Created an installation in STEW gallery, up for two weeks. The private view was on Monday and was very popular! Was good to collabarate with so many diverse artists on this project.
Created an installation for St Margarets church, will be up for a week
I will be invigilating on Wednesday if anyone fancies a chat about the work or any other work there.
started making my own repeat patterns, which along with other designs, will be available on tees and other material (think aprons, cushions) in the months to come.
Go have a look, not for the work, but for the awesome sandwiches and food. Great little independant, organic, other nice things etc. cafe. Near Jaspers, by the church in Norwich.
First video/video editing! Creating an installation piece on the back of a house. Never used any video editing software before, self-taught myself and I think the video ain't too bad!
Another installation work, this time outside. Can you see guess what it is? Video soon.
Also, another work on paper, this time of a boy getting his haircut. Tended to go for a less clear style, to let the viewer try and find the image of the barber, the boy, and the intermittent details themselves.
Piece on the wall (masking tape underneath!) was nice to work with the environment again.
Have been asked to display some work in Mustard Cafe ( and would love a recommendation what piece to put in. Here is a portfolio and photos